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Jaye Pye is a perfect example of what can happen when you decide to follow your passion.


Jaye was happy enough in his career as a senior finance manager. Then the loss of a loved one got him thinking about his own life and vision for his future. It did not take much soul-searching. Jaye has always been the one that people naturally gravitate to for advice. And he will tell you, “There is nothing I find more rewarding than helping people reach their potential.”


So in 2020 Jaye quit his job as controller for a non-profit organization and enrolled in the Art and Science of Coaching Diploma from Erickson Coaching International, receiving his Associate Certified Coach (ACC) accreditation from the International Coaching Federation March 2022. His clients will tell you that he made the right choice.


What Jaye brings to the coaching relationship

It’s not just passion and coaching credentials that Jaye brings to his work. He also has the benefit of 15 years as a senior financial accounting leader and understands the challenges and opportunities of navigating a career in both the corporate and non-profit sectors. His financial background also gives him analytical skills that help clients prioritize and focus on practical solutions. As well, Jaye is a student of coaching himself and leveraged his own learnings with leadership coaches to implement the transition in his life.


People who know Jaye will tell you he is empathetic, free of judgment, and has an easy sense of humour – all traits that help clients feel comfortable in building a coaching relationship built on openness and trust.


Everyone’s path is different

While Jaye has made a transformational change in his own life, he’s quick to say that not everyone needs to take such dramatic steps. Most people can learn to reach their potential without changing big things like jobs or key relationships or residences. In fact, Jaye has not given up his original career and continues to provide financial consulting services to organizations.


Schedule a no-cost introductory consultation today.

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